Welcome to the first internet page on German soil dedicated to
hearses! When I looked into hearse pages in the internet, I quickly found -
nothing in Germany and in German language, so I decided to start my own
internet page for hearses in Germany. Since its humble start in fall 1999,
it has grown considerably and is now a nice meeting point for German
hearse fans, providing pictures, quite some technical and historical background,
a discussion forum and marketplace. And the best of all, it is still growing,
faster actually than I can keep up with the pace.
And for all the non-German hearse fans around, this english language page is set
up as some kind of mirror page of
Die Leichenwagenseite. Leichenwagen is the German word for hearse,
so this means nothing else as The Hearse Page, and it is still the first and so
far only internet page in German language about hearses.
Last update 20-May 2003.
Unfortunately this page is only visible with a browser that has frames enabled.
For your convenience, you can still view the individual pages by clicking on the links below:
Pit's Portugal Pictures
Japanese Hearses
Hearse Meeting in Alpen, Germany, 2001
Little hearse meeting in Munich, Germany, May 2003